FINALLY… a Tennis Elbow solution that actually works… because it’s based on real scientific research
Do you have Tennis Elbow?
Is it starting to impact your life?
Are you unable to sleep because of the pain?
Do you have trouble doing everyday things, like picking up a coffee mug? Or your kids, or grandkids?
Do you have trouble doing your job?
Have you tried anything to heal your Tennis Elbow?
If you haven’t had any luck yet, I’d like to share something with you on this page…’s something that has already helped a lot of people fully heal their Tennis Elbow and get back to their lives, with full use of their arms...
- They’re back to their jobs, working productively.
- They’re back to their favorite sports and hobbies (including tennis!)
- They’re back to playing with their kids and grandkids without worrying about elbow pain.
- They can sleep through the night again.
- They can lift and grip things without pain in their elbows or wrists.
What I’m going to show you on this page is easy to do.
You can do it by yourself, at home, anytime you want.
It only takes about 15 minutes a day, and it actually works, if you do it.
It has already helped many people fully heal their Tennis Elbow.
Here’s why this is different than |
The Tennis Elbow solution I’m going to show you on this page is different than most others because it is based on real scientific research.
My name is Rick Kaselj and I’m a Kinesiologist and pain and injury expert. I’ve been helping people heal their injuries and reduce and eliminate their pain for over 20 years.
Whenever I create a recovery program for any injury, I rely heavily on published medical and scientific research.
Because I’ve seen first-hand, for more than 20 years, that programs that are based on conclusions from scientific research and experiments are more effective at helping people eliminate pain and recover from their injuries. This shouldn’t be surprising…
...but what is surprising is the number of programs, treatments, gadgets and devices that are available today, that are based not on research, but on guesses, hunches, misinterpretations, and pseudoscience.
Here’s what you should AVOID |
By any chance, have you been to to find a solution to your Tennis Elbow?
If you search for “tennis elbow” there, you’ll see this: has 9,639 products and books for Tennis Elbow!
I saw this review on Amazon for a tennis elbow product:

And I saw this review on Amazon for a tennis elbow product:

Those reviews are for the same product!
One person said the product cured their Tennis Elbow, and the other person said the very same product actually made it worse!
Confused yet? |
When I searched for “tennis elbow” on YouTube, I came across these two videos (among others):
(1) On YouTube, the title of this video is “Tennis elbow cured 100% fixed.” The guy in this video claims that you can cure Tennis Elbow by throwing rocks - I kid you not! (Warning - this video may not be work safe - there is a fair amount of profanity.)
(It seems like the creator of this video has taken it down.)
(2) On YouTube, the title of this video is “Amazing Fix for Tennis Elbow: MUST WATCH!” The guy in this video claims you can eliminate your Tennis Elbow by massaging the other arm (the one with no pain):
My clients sometimes ask me what I think of these types of “amazing,” “miracle,” “5-minute” cure videos for injuries.
I tell them: “The nicest way I can say it is: don’t expect much.”
The point of all of this is…
There is A LOT of misinformation |
Here’s another example:
Many doctors and physical therapists still recommend icing and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for Tennis Elbow... spite of the fact that the medical community has agreed that Tennis Elbow is not caused by inflammation.
This quote comes from a paper in the British Medical Journal:

And this study ( was a controlled clinical pilot trial to determine whether icing decreases pain and helps to heal Tennis Elbow.
The study had two groups of people with Tennis Elbow. The control group did exercises only. The test group did the same exercises and iced. Both groups showed the same amount of improvement, showing that icing provided no real benefit for Tennis Elbow.
So then, how DO you cure Tennis Elbow? |
First, let’s get real.
With chronic pain and injuries, no solution works for everyone, all the time.
That’s just reality, and if anyone tells you otherwise, you should be very skeptical.
HOWEVER... as I mentioned above, what I’ve seen in my more than 20 years of helping people overcome injuries and eliminate pain is that the programs and methods that are based on real scientific research work better and faster for most people.
Just so you know that I’m for real, and that my Tennis Elbow program is actually based on real medical and scientific research, I’m going to show you the entire list of research papers I used to design my Tennis Elbow program...
Have you tried (or even heard of) any |
This is all of the research I carefully combed through, scrutinized and used when I designed my Tennis Elbow solution:
- Ajimsha MS, Chithra S, Thulasyammal RP. (2012). Effectiveness of Myofascial Release in the Management of Lateral Epicondylitis in Computer Professionals. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 Jan 9. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bisset L, Paungmali A, Vicenzino B, Beller E. (2005). A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials on physical interventions for lateral epicondylalgia. Br J Sports Med. 2005 Jul;39(7):411-22; discussion 411-22.
- Chourasia AO, Buhr KA, Rabago DP, Kijowski R, Irwin CB, Sesto ME. (2011). Effect of Lateral Epicondylosis on Grip Force Development. J Hand Ther. 2011 Dec 1. [Epub ahead of print]
- Chourasia AO, Buhr KA, Rabago DP, Kijowski R, Irwin CB, Sesto ME. (2012). Effect of lateral epicondylosis on grip force development. J Hand Ther. 2012 Jan;25(1):27-37. Epub 2011 Dec 3.
- Chourasia AO, Buhr KA, Rabago DP, Kijowski R, Sesto ME. (2011). The effect of lateral epicondylosis on upper limb mechanical parameters. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2011 Sep 19. [Epub ahead of print]
- Croisier JL, Foidart-Dessalle M, Tinant F, Crielaard JM, Forthomme B. (2007). An isokinetic eccentric programme for the management of chronic lateral epicondylar tendinopathy. Br J Sports Med. 2007 Apr;41(4):269-75. Epub 2007 Jan 15.
- Fedorczyk JM. (2006). Tennis elbow: blending basic science with clinical practice. J Hand Ther. 2006 Apr-Jun;19(2):146-53.
- Finestone HM, Rabinovitch DL. (2008). Tennis elbow no more: practical eccentric and concentric exercises to heal the pain. Can Fam Physician. 2008 Aug;54(8):1115-6.
- Ihm J. (2008). Proximal wrist extensor tendinopathy. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2008 Mar;1(1):48-52.
- Malliaras P, Maffulli N, Garau G. (2008). Eccentric training programmes in the management of lateral elbow tendinopathy. Disabil Rehabil. 2008;30(20-22):1590-6.
- Manias P, Stasinopoulos D. (2006). A controlled clinical pilot trial to study the effectiveness of ice as a supplement to the exercise programme for the management of lateral elbow tendinopathy. Br J Sports Med. 2006 Jan;40(1):81-5.
- Martinez-Silvestrini JA, Newcomer KL, Gay RE, Schaefer MP, Kortebein P, Arendt KW. (2005). Chronic lateral epicondylitis: comparative effectiveness of a home exercise program including stretching alone versus stretching supplemented with eccentric or concentric strengthening. J Hand Ther. 2005 Oct-Dec;18(4):411-9, quiz 420.
- Page P. (2010). A new exercise for tennis elbow that works! N Am J Sports Phys Ther. 2010 Sep;5(3):189-93.
- Park JY, Park HK, Choi JH, Moon ES, Kim BS, Kim WS, Oh KS. (2011). Prospective evaluation of the effectiveness of a home-based program of isometric strengthening exercises: 12-month follow-up. Clin Orthop Surg. 2010 Sep;2(3):173-8. Epub 2010 Aug 3.
- Peterson M, Butler S, Eriksson M, Svärdsudd K. (2011). A randomized controlled trial of exercise versus wait-list in chronic tennis elbow (lateral epicondylosis). Ups J Med Sci. 2011 Nov;116(4):269-79.
- Stasinopoulos D, Stasinopoulou K, Johnson MI. (2005). An exercise programme for the management of lateral elbow tendinopathy. Br J Sports Med. 2005 Dec;39(12):944-7.
- Stasinopoulos D, Stasinopoulos I, Pantelis M, Stasinopoulou K. (2009). Comparison of effects of a home exercise programme and a supervised exercise programme for the management of lateral elbow tendinopathy. Br J Sports Med. 2010 Jun; 44(8):579-83. Epub 2009 Nov 3.
- Svernlöv B, Adolfsson L. (2001). Non-operative treatment regime including eccentric training for lateral humeral epicondylalgia. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2001 Dec;11(6):328-34.
- Tyler TF, Thomas GC, Nicholas SJ, McHugh MP. (2010). Addition of isolated wrist extensor eccentric exercise to standard treatment for chronic lateral epicondylosis: a prospective randomized trial. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2010 Sep;19(6):917-22. Epub 2010 Jun 26.
- Waugh EJ, Jaglal SB, Davis AM, Tomlinson G, Verrier MC. (2001). Factors associated with prognosis of lateral epicondylitis after 8 weeks of physical therapy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2004 Feb;85(2):308-18.
- Walz DM, Newman JS, Konin GP, Ross G. (2010). Epicondylitis: pathogenesis, imaging, and treatment. Radiographics. 2010 Jan;30(1):167-84.
- Waugh EJ, Jaglal SB, Davis AM. (2004). Computer use associated with poor long-term prognosis of conservatively managed lateral epicondylalgia. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2004 Dec;34(12):770-80.
So, what exactly is this science and |
It’s called Tennis Elbow Pain Solution and it’s a video exercise program that you can do at home, completely on your own. It’s designed to lengthen, strengthen and heal the muscles and tendons near your elbows, and stabilize and strengthen your shoulder and scapular muscles, all so you can heal your Tennis Elbow pain and prevent it from occurring again in the future.
I want you to get back to your life the way it was before Tennis Elbow. That’s what this program is all about. Get back to work. Get back to sleeping through the night. Get back to playing with your kids and grandkids. Get back to your hobbies and sports, and a pain-free, active, enjoyable life!
Tennis Elbow Pain Solution is a simple, |
Why does this system work so well to help people reduce and eliminate their Tennis Elbow pain?
Because it’s based on real scientific research, and because it’s comprehensive and easy.
It’s comprehensive…
...because it includes 5 different approaches to healing and strengthening the muscles and tendons near your elbow, and your shoulder and scapular muscles, so no stone is left unturned! Because we attack the problem from so many different angles, and with so many different approaches, your Tennis Elbow pain has nowhere to hide, and can’t survive!
It’s easy…
...because I’ve arranged the 5 different approaches into one super simple routine that requires less than 15 minutes of your time every day. A HUGE reason people don’t get results from systems like this one is that they’re too complex, too time-consuming, and too difficult to do. Because my system is so easy, and takes so little time, you’ll find yourself actually WANTING to do it every day, and LOOKING FORWARD TO DOING IT. And because you do it every day, you’ll actually get the results you want! (And don’t worry - just because this program is easy to do and takes only 15 minutes a day, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work - it does work! This system has already worked for many of my clients, and this is why, as you’ll see below, I’m offering an insane money-back guarantee with this program - I’m that confident!)
Here’s a quick look |

(1) Self Massage
Self massage is an easy way to quickly decrease tension and increase blood flow to the muscles and tendons near your elbow. Decreasing the tension allows the muscles and tendons to heal, and increasing blood circulation removes metabolites and brings in new blood to aid in healing. In the program, I’m going to teach you several different self massage techniques that you can do in minutes, with just your hand or regular household items.

(2) Static Stretching
Static stretching is holding a joint or muscle in a static or still position for a short period of time. The static stretches we’ll do in the program are gentle and easy, but are effective for lengthening and strengthening the muscles and tendons at the lateral epicondyle. These static stretches will make the muscles and tendons more resilient and less prone to the microtraumas (tiny tears) that cause Tennis Elbow.

(3) Isometric Strengthening
Isometric strengthening uses a special type of contraction that stretches additional fibres in the muscles. Isometric stretches and exercises are gentle, safe movements, but are highly-effective for strengthening your extensors (forearm muscles), which are a key component in healing and preventing Tennis Elbow.

(4) Eccentric Strengthening
Eccentric strengthening exercises produce collagen to help strengthen the muscles and tendons near your elbow. Several studies have found eccentric strengthening to be highly-effective for healing Tennis Elbow. One study conducted in 2005 found that long-term, 71% of people using eccentric strengthening had completely recovered from Tennis Elbow as compared to only 39% that didn’t do eccentric strengthening and did only stretching (Martinez-Silvestrini 2005).

(5) Scapular Exercises
Many people (and health professionals) don’t realize it, but weak shoulder and scapular muscles can be a significant contributing factor to Tennis Elbow, because the elbows and wrists must be recruited to handle the more taxing, repetitive movements the shoulder and scapular muscles should be handling, but aren’t able to. When we strengthen our shoulder and scapular muscles, it takes a lot of the load off of the elbows and wrists, thereby decreasing the strain and stress on them, which is what causes Tennis Elbow!
I’ve heard enough!
I want to try Tennis Elbow Pain Solution
with no risk for 60 days, for just one payment of $37
(Regular Price = $57)
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the whole program,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
ATTENTION: This web page may only be up for a few more days, because I am planning to merge the Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program with another one of my programs and begin offering them as a bundle.
SO… the Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program may only be available for purchase at the special price offered on this page for a few more days!
Here’s what’s DIFFERENT about my |
- This is not just a bunch of exercises thrown together with the HOPE that they will relieve your pain. This is a CAREFULLY DESIGNED SYSTEM that has already helped many of my clients decrease and eliminate their Tennis Elbow pain.
- UNLIKE MOST OTHER Tennis Elbow treatments and methods, this program is based on more than 20 different medical papers and scientific studies that are specifically related to Tennis Elbow. In my more than 20 years as a Kinesiologist and pain and injury specialist, I’ve seen that the programs that are based on the conclusions of real medical and scientific research just work better than those that aren’t.
- I didn’t just make up this program. It is the result of YEARS OF SCHOLARLY MEDICAL RESEARCH and feedback from REAL-WORLD TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS WITH MY CLIENTS.
- This program doesn’t require you to make any big changes in your lifestyle - all you have to do is 15 minutes of light exercises and stretches each day.
- You can do this exercise program by yourself, pretty much anywhere, pretty much anytime, with just your body and a few household items you can get at any hardware store.
- This program has only the exercises you need to reduce and eliminate your pain… and nothing else.
- All of your questions will be answered. I have diligently collected questions from each of my clients over the years, so you will have all the answers you need, and NEVER FEEL STUCK. And on the off-chance that I haven’t answered one of your questions, you can always email my team at
- You’ll learn not only how to do the exercises correctly, but also ALL of the common mistakes people make doing these exercises. This is crucial because doing the exercises just right makes A HUGE DIFFERENCE in whether this will work for you or not.
- You will know EXACTLY how many reps to do. You will know EXACTLY how many sets to do. You will know EXACTLY what intensity you should do each exercise with. You will know EXACTLY how your body should feel when you do each exercise correctly. Nothing will be left out – you will have no guesswork or confusion about what to do. Everything in this program is systematized and laid out clearly for you.
- I will show you what to do and how to do it if you want to progress further and increase your intensity and results.
- And much more…
What exactly do you get in the |
I want this program to be the last thing you have to do to fix your Tennis Elbow pain. So, my team and I have worked hard to make this program comprehensive (so it actually works for you), fast and easy to learn (so you'll actually invest the time to learn it), and fast and easy to do the program (so you'll actually do it on a consistent basis, which is the only way you’ll get the results you want!)
Below is a description of exactly what each component of the program is and how each helps get you to your end goal >>> FAST REDUCTION AND ELIMINATION OF YOUR TENNIS ELBOW PAIN, so you can get back to your life as it was BEFORE Tennis Elbow!
SELF-ASSESSMENT PACKAGE: Video, Manual And Fill-In Sheet To Help You Assess Your Current Condition
It’s very important, before you get started, to assess your current condition. This is the first thing I do every time I see a new client with Tennis Elbow. We need to understand how much pain you’re experiencing now, how serious your injury is, and what range of motion you can currently handle. Having this information will prevent further injury, and help you get the best possible results, in the shortest amount of time.
In this component, you get a video and a brief manual that walks you through, step-by-step, how to do your own self-assessment. Based on this information, you’ll know exactly where to start in the Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program.
You also get a convenient Fill-In Sheet that allows you to write each of your answers and assessments down as you watch the assessment video and read the manual.
When you get your Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program, I want you to come up to speed FAST on what you need to know, so you can get started FAST, and start reducing your pain FAST! So, I’ve distilled the educational content down to the most important summary points you need to get going right now.
In this Condition Summary, I explain, in plain English, exactly what causes Tennis Elbow, and I lay out the exact roadmap we’re going to follow to reduce and eliminate your elbow pain.
3-STAGE COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAM: Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS
Tennis Elbow Pain Solution is a comprehensive program of gentle, yet highly-effective exercises designed to reduce and eliminate your Tennis Elbow pain, and get you back to your active, enjoyable life.
The program is broken out into 3 stages. The 3 stages progress from very easy (Stage 1) to more challenging (Stage 3). This 3-stage structure makes it so that virtually any person can complete this program, even those who have severe pain, and even those who have never exercised a day in their life! The 3 different stages also allow you to self-direct your progress so you get the fastest possible recovery.
For each of the 3 stages, you get 1 instructional video, 1 follow-along video and 1 manual, for a total of 6 videos and 3 manuals. Here’s what comes in each:
INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS: You get one instructional video in each of the 3 stages. These videos are your virtual personal training session with me - Rick Kaselj, MS. In these instructional videos, I will:
- SLOWLY DEMONSTRATE, STEP-BY-STEP, exactly how to do each exercise perfectly, so you can definitely get it right
- Show you ALL the common mistakes people make doing these exercises, so you also know what NOT to do
- Give you EVERYTHING you need - exactly how many reps and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the exercises so you know you’re doing them right, and more.
FOLLOW-ALONG VIDEOS: You also get 3 follow-along videos - 1 for each of the 3 stages. These videos are your very own personal coaching sessions with me. In them, you will do each of the exercises following right along with my exercise assistant, who does them on the video with you, while I count out time and reps, and coach you along the way.
MANUALS: You get 3 manuals - one for each of the 3 stages in the program. These handy PDF guides include:
- All of the gentle, but highly-effective exercises, stretches and movements you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
- Start-position and end-position photos for every exercise
- Common mistakes and how to avoid them
- Tips and advice on everything else you need to know, like: number of reps, number of sets, how long each rep should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each stretch and exercise so you can be SURE you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if the exercises become too easy.
As mentioned above, for each of the 3 stages in the Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program, you get an instructional video, a follow-along video, and a comprehensive manual.
Once you get into the program and start learning the exercises, you may want a faster, more convenient way to access the exercises, rather than having to fast-forward through the videos, and leaf through the larger manuals every time. That’s exactly what this Exercise Quick Reference Guide is for!
Every exercise in the program is laid out in this brief guide so it’s quick and easy to find them, learn them and do them! For every exercise, there is a start and end photo, a quick summary of the exercise, and instructions on how to do it correctly.
Peter Drucker said: “What gets measured, gets improved.” In my more than 20 years of experience as a Kinesiologist and injury expert, I’ve seen time and again that the people who measure their progress while they do my programs typically get better and faster results than those who don’t.
It’s very important to measure your progress as you do this program. It will keep you on track. It will keep you motivated... which will keep you doing the exercises... which will actually get you the results you want. You simply cannot get the results if you don’t do the exercises!
Just check off the exercises you did each day - it takes only a few seconds, but provides massive benefits!
FACT: Most people who buy |
Why don’t we do exercise programs consistently?
Let’s look at some of the most common reasons:
“I don’t have enough time to go to the gym.” “I don’t want to join a gym.” “I don’t want to buy a bunch of weights or equipment for my house that will only end up taking up space.”
No problem. You don’t have to join a gym, or buy any equipment to do this program. All you need is your body and a few household items you can buy at any hardware store.
“I don’t have enough time to exercise.”
No problem. I designed this program so you could complete it in 15 minutes or less every day. This, combined with the fact that you don’t need a gym or any equipment, might make this the most convenient exercise program ever!
“I don’t want to get injured doing a workout.”
Perfect. This program is low-impact, so it’s safe for just about everyone, and it’s intentionally gradual, meaning you start out very slowly, and increase intensity and duration gradually, so there is very little chance of injury.
“I don’t want to do crazy intense workouts that are going to totally exhaust me every day.”
Most of my clients don’t want that either, which is why the duration and intensity of this program (which you can easily adjust if you choose to) are designed not to exhaust you, but give you a good workout that gets results, without making you want to take a nap one hour later.
“I’ve had trainers that made me do too much, too fast and I just got overwhelmed and discouraged.”
I hear this all the time. This program works with a gradual progress approach. We start you out very slowly, and increase intensity and duration gradually, so you never feel overwhelmed or too far outside your comfort zone. And, if things are too easy and slow for you at any point, we also show you how you can adjust and increase the progress yourself.
ATTENTION: This web page may only be up for a few more days, because I am planning to merge the Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program with another one of my programs and begin offering them as a bundle.
SO… the Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program may only be available for purchase at the special price offered on this page for a few more days!
to get the entire Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program
for just one payment of $37
(Regular Price = $57)
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the whole program,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
How my Tennis Elbow Pain Solution |
I specifically chose to make this a downloadable VIDEO program so you would get these benefits:
- You can watch the videos at your own pace. As far as I know, you cannot pause, rewind or fast-forward an in-person training or therapy session... but, with video you can! With video, you have all the control - you can go as slowly or quickly as you like and review any key points as many times as you like.
- The videos work on any computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, iPhone or iPad. You can download them onto any of your devices, or watch them on the Internet, and they will be available to you forever.
- You can watch the videos on your schedule, whenever it’s convenient for you. No scheduled appointments to make, no time off from work - you can do it whenever YOU have time.
- You can learn and do the exercises from the convenience of your own home, or wherever you choose. No driving or flying to appointments, sessions or courses at someone else’s location.
- You save money. You won’t need expensive therapy appointments, training sessions, courses or seminars. These videos alone will decrease and eliminate your elbow pain, and they're very affordable!

Here’s everything you get for $57 $37: |
SELF-ASSESSMENT PACKAGEVideo, Manual And Fill-In Sheet To Help You Assess Your Current Condition |
($57 value) |
CONDITION SUMMARY(1 Condition Summary PDF) |
($27 value) |
3-STAGE COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAMYour personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS |
($137 value) |
($27 value) |
PROGRESS TRACKING SHEET(3 Progress Tracking Sheets PDF) |
($27 value) |
> > > TOTAL VALUE OF ALL COMPONENTS (7 videos, 12 PDF files) |
$275.00 |
$57.00 |
$37.00 |

This program comes with a 60-day, no-hassle, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee. Take the next 60 days to test drive my whole program to MAKE SURE you are getting results.
If you’re NOT getting the results you want, I don’t deserve your money, and you should please contact me by sending an email to, or calling 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or sending SMS to 1-888-229-4992. When you do, my team will immediately issue you a full refund.
Why do I offer a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee on Tennis Elbow Pain Solution?
- To show you how confident I am in this program. This program is based on real scientific studies and research. It includes exercises, movements, and sequences that you won’t find anywhere else. And it works. This program has already worked for many of my clients.
- I want you to know that you have no risk, so you can get this program and use it with peace-of-mind. I want you to be focused on learning and doing the easy, gentle movements and stretches in this program so you can reduce and eliminate your Tennis Elbow pain. I don’t want you to have to worry about whether it’s going to work, or whether you’re going to lose out, get screwed, or anything like that. With my 60-day guarantee, you can put your mind at ease and just focus on doing the program and getting better.
to get the entire Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program
risk-free for 60 days, for just one payment of $37
(Regular Price = $57)
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the whole program,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
Who created the |
My name is Rick Kaselj and I’ve been a Kinesiologist and exercise and injury specialist since 1994.

I’m the guy in the health and fitness industry that not only helps individuals with pain and injury problems, but I’m also known as the expert to the experts, the trainer of the trainers and the teacher of the teachers, because anytime I find a problem that seems like it hasn’t been adequately solved yet, I devote nearly 100% of my time and resources to solving it… and when I do solve it, I share it with everyone in the industry.
This is what my client Mike Westerdal said about me (Mike is a lifelong athlete, powerlifter and the owner of industry-leading muscle and strength authority site
“Working in the fitness industry myself, I knew I had to go to the source of the knowledge and cut out the middleman. You see, Rick is more than just a specialist. He’s the guy who teaches the other fitness professionals the newest techniques to help their own clients. He has given over 300 live presentations to over 6,065 health and fitness professionals across Canada and the USA.”
Will you still have Tennis Elbow pain |
If you do nothing different... in 30 days, you’ll probably still have miserable Tennis Elbow pain. And you’ll probably still be unable to play sports, do your hobbies, and pick up your kids or grandkids. You might still have trouble sleeping through the night, and even doing your job.
If you try my Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program for 60 days, with absolutely no risk (it comes with an unconditional 60-day, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee), I am 98% sure that in just 30 days, you will see some VERY DIFFERENT results, and you will be feeling A LOT BETTER.
Why 98%?
Because nothing works for everyone. That’s just reality.
BUT... ask yourself this question:
Is it worth $37 (that you’ll get back if you don’t get the results you want)...
...and just 15 minutes a day… see if my program could REDUCE OR EVEN ELIMINATE YOUR TENNIS ELBOW PAIN?
Like I said, nothing works for EVERYONE…
But, what if this DOES work for YOU?
What if you ACTUALLY were free of all your pain, and back to your life and your favorite activities… just 30 days from now?
Isn’t it worth it to at least find out?...
...especially since you have no risk?
to try my Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program,
risk-free for 60 days, for just one payment of $37
(Regular Price = $57)
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the whole program,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
- This special discounted price of $37 will not last. This web page may only be up for a few more days, because I am planning to merge the Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program with another one of my injury programs and offer them as a bundle. So, the Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program may only be available for purchase at the special discounted price of $37 for a few more days!
- You can try this program out for 60 days with no risk! If your elbows are in pain, and causing problems in your life, just get this program and try it out for 60 days. It’s only $37, and you’ll get all your money back if you don’t get the results you want. You have 60 days to go through the entire program, do all the exercises, see what results you get, and judge for yourself whether it was worth it or not. If you feel like it wasn’t, we’ll gladly refund all your money.
Frequently Asked Questions: |
I was surfing around the Internet and found a bunch of exercises for Tennis Elbow. Will these help?
You can definitely find exercises for Tennis Elbow online. But you won’t find a complete program designed to heal and strengthen the muscles near the elbows, the muscles in the forearm, and the shoulder and scapular muscles, all of which support the elbows and wrists, and can contribute to Tennis Elbow. You won’t find a complete program that has been carefully crafted, based on scientific research and real-world testing, that includes ONLY the necessary exercises, with instructions on how to do them in just the right sequence, with the right number of reps and sets. That’s exactly what Tennis Elbow Pain Solution is.
How long does it take each day to do the exercises in this program?
Each exercise session in this program is designed to take 15 minutes or less to complete. It may take a little longer in the beginning as you’re learning the stretches and movements, but you’ll have it down to 15 minutes or less in no time because these sequences are easy to learn. The power of this program is not in the actual exercises or stretches you do, but in WHICH ones you do (and which you don’t), the ORDER in which you do them, and HOW you do them… all of which I demonstrate step-by-step in careful detail in the program.
What kind of equipment do I need to do this program?
While many of the exercises and movements in this program are performed with your body only, you will need a few basic and inexpensive items like Resistance Tubing and Tennis Ball. You can purchase these items at most sporting goods stores, online, or you can check our Exercises For Injuries Store. This will all be covered in the program so you know exactly what to get and how to use it.
How long until I see results?
Although everyone is different and will experience different results, many people experience significant pain reduction within 7 days, and some within only a few days!
Is this program just more exercises that I have to do?
Yes, and no. Most fitness and health professionals take a shotgun approach to exercises for injuries. They keep giving you more and more exercises, hoping they will help. I don’t do that. My program only includes the exercises you need. I also recommend you do them in a specific sequence and I give you precise instructions on how many repetitions and sets you need to do. My program has been carefully designed, based on scientific research and real-world testing, and it is a SYSTEM that has already worked for other people. There will be no guesswork or confusion on your part – everything is laid out and easy for you to follow. My best advice is for you to stop all of the other exercises you are doing, and focus only on the Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program for at least the next 14 days.
I’ve been told that I need to strengthen the muscles near my elbows to heal my Tennis Elbow - is that true?
Strengthening the muscles near your elbows is important, but it’s not the only thing you need to do. Tennis Elbow is caused by tiny tears or microtraumas in the tendons at the lateral epicondyle. These tears are caused by weakness in the muscles near the elbow, the muscles in the forearm, and lack of support from shoulder and scapular muscles, so you will need to strengthen and heal all of these muscles. And it’s important to work on muscle endurance as well. Something many people don’t realize is that a strong muscle does not necessarily mean it is a muscle with good endurance, and good endurance is crucial for injury recovery and prevention.
Can I use this program if I’ve had an injury or surgery?
The answer to this is very individual. It depends on what type of injury or surgery you’ve had and how you’ve recovered from them. It is best to ask your surgeon or doctor to see if this program is suitable for you.
Are the stretches and movements difficult to perform?
Not at all. These are simple and natural movements that you will easily “get” after one or two viewings of the videos. And each stretch, movement and exercise is very gentle.
How long does it take to get my DVDs?
There are no DVDs – we won’t be sending you anything in the mail. This is a digital video product, which means you can access everything online at our secure download web page. You get access to this download web page and everything in the Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program (all the videos, manuals, cheat sheets, and trackers) immediately after you order. You can immediately download everything onto your computer and get started right away. No waiting for anything in the mail.
Do I have to watch all of the videos all in one sitting?
No, you can watch the videos whenever you like (even at 3 am), do parts and pieces whenever you have time, do everything at your own pace, and re-visit any aspects of the videos anytime.
Can I burn the videos onto a DVD?
Yes, you can. You can download the videos to your computer and then burn them to a blank DVD. This allows you to watch the videos on a DVD player at home, on your laptop, or on a different computer that has a DVD drive.
Can I watch the videos on my smartphone or tablet?
Absolutely! The videos are in a M4V format that can be viewed from any computer, tablet or smartphone.
Don’t forget… you’re getting: |

Video, Manual PDF, And Fill-In Sheet To Help You Assess Your Current Condition

A brief overview of Tennis Elbow, what causes it, and the exact roadmap we’re going to follow in this program to get you back to pain-free elbows!

Instructional Video, Follow-Along Video, Comprehensive PDF Manual

Instructional Video, Follow-Along Video, Comprehensive PDF Manual

Instructional Video, Follow-Along Video, Comprehensive PDF Manual

This is the fastest, easiest way to access all the exercises. For every exercise, there is a start and end photo, a quick summary of the exercise, and instructions on how to do it correctly.

Simple and easy tracking sheet to measure and track what you do each day in this program. Using this sheet makes the program easier, more fun (it turns it into a game!), and more motivating.
Click the yellow button below to get it all, right now, for just $37:
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the whole program,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
NOTE: The Tennis Elbow Pain Solution program is a set of 7 downloadable videos, and 12 PDF files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the videos and PDF files. The PDF files can be viewed on Mac or PC. The video format is M4V which can be viewed on Mac or PC. If you have any questions or need help, you can contact us at